Saturday, September 25, 2010

Kanchanaburi 2003 - Ex Sapper Star

One of my army friends recently dug up a bunch of photos taken(with a film camera!) during our active days, on exercise in Thailand. Life was tougher but simpler then.

Plantation of something on the right, mountains in the background.

Approaching a FLB(Foldable Longspan Bridge).

That's me on the left, chilling out with a friend on the roof of a 5 tonner.

Our PC's Land Rover and a rainbow in the background.

"I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then." — Lewis Carroll

(Photos taken by Khew Jun Hao)


  1. I like the last photo very much.

    Never knew a rainbow can make our familiar land rover feel and look so much better :P

    Maybe should write in to paint a rainbow on each rover lol

  2. Not so sure about painting a rainbow on each rover. After all, the rainbow is the symbol of people with "alternative" sexual orientation, AKA "302"s.

    On the other hand, it's the officers and signalers who travel in rovers so it might make sense. LOL

  3. Well typically rainbow after rain. It certainly lifts the soldiers morale after a terrible downpour to see a rainbow.

    Maybe that y people enjoy seeing rainbows...
